Saturday, May 17, 2008

On reconsideration

So I've had a bit more time to ruminate about The Boy, and I'm thinking I need to take a more balanced approach toward this. Now, anyone who really knows me would probably yell here, "But you try to take a balanced approach to everything!" Well...yes. I'm a pretty cautious guy except where relationships seem to be concerned, because the moment I like someone a great deal (which often happens as early as the first date) it's like I practically want to drag him into a chapel. I mean, really. Wow. Creepy much?

My aunt remarked to me in the past about my cautious streak, and again, I generally agree except with regard to relationships and oh, careers as well. I've already transitioned from engineering pre-med to acting, which is about as anti-conservative as you can get, and I've said I have this nasty tendency to plunge headlong into forming attachments to guys who, frankly, may not have that same attachment to me. I look at Isti and the way she knew Diaz for a good two or there years before they started dating, and now they've been together...what? 9 years? Or I look at Dave, and the way he and Jordan seemed to date in a very casual sort of way before becoming joined at the hip. The way they got together just seems a lot less...turbulent, maybe, than what I always seem to put myself through. Then again, Isti and Dave both are much less...erratic, I guess, than I am. It's just that the difference in our approaches seems to be the difference between slowly gliding down a slope, or hopping off a cliff. The first is obviously a lot less painful, but considerably slower, more cautious, and arguably less fun. At least until the splat at the bottom.

I'm just bringing this up because...I dunno. Maybe it's acknowledging that my natural tendency isn't particularly healthy for my emotions, and I'm trying to insulate myself a little in case things DON'T work out with The Boy. Mind you, I hope that they do (I *really* hope that they do), but at this stage it's probably wise not to become too attached.

Ha. As if I had any choice in the matter.

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