Tuesday, May 13, 2008

On cutting habits without methadone

I think my attention span for new and swanky things has gotten drastically shorter as I've gotten older...or perhaps the daily grind of work, then rehearsal, then bloody eternity on the A train has simply killed my desire to do, oh, just about anything else by the time I get home. Except Guitar Hero 3. I swear, that game is like crack. It will probably give me arthritis by the time I'm 30.

I am a little annoyed by the work-rehearsal-sleep schedule right now, because I'd actually like to start going to the gym again on a regular basis. That would, however, actually require me to get up at 6 or 7 in the morning in order to get to the gym before work, and since I don't get home until 11:00 or so, that would basically mean I'd become one of those people who doesn't do anything except work and go to the gym. Seriously igh. Still, this sedentary lifestyle is making me feel more than a little bit like a lazy slob. Mind you - I know that I'm not a lazy slob. Since I'm technically working upwards of 10-12 hours a day and I do an immense amount of writing on the train, I'm probably accomplishing more than a good 70% or 80% of the general population. Knowing, however, doesn't really help when I realize I'm getting a bit soft around the midsection. I suppose I could restrict myself to cardio for now, which is a little less time-consuming than the weights regime that I usually aim for, but...I dunno - I'd like to pack some muscle onto my frame before attempting to get cut.

Somehow, in the course of debating all this, it ends up being that the only thing I can readily sacrifice is sleep.

At least I've more or less managed to cut World of Warcraft out of my life for the time being. There's a time-consuming addiction if there ever was one.

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