Thursday, February 28, 2008

On still dodging responsibility

My god! He does it twice in the same month! Shock! Insanity! Horror! Madness! Steamed Vegetables! Potatoes! With cheese! And a nice juicy steak done medium rare, I think. I'd add some kind of wine as well, if I knew anything about wines, but worst comes to worst I can always e-mail Geoffrey and ask for his suggestion. The man can rattle off a wine description off the top of his head that means as much to me as if I were to rattle off the specs to my optimal gaming machine to the nearest mountain goat.

That would suppose that I'd find a mountain goat somewhere in Manhattan. Weirder things have happened, I'm sure.

Anyway, taking a short break from the grindstone (Ow! My nose!), I'm rather pleased to report that Homecoming, Part Two: Lost, is actually coming along rather nicely. I've gotten a few more pages done, and it doesn't sound retarded in my head, which is always a good thing. The funny thing is that I already know the climax of the story - I wonder if that's true of most writers when they begin on something new. Certainly, a common method (as I understand) is to take a seed scene - something really interesting happening, a point of high drama - and then to build the rest of the story around that. Multiple seed scenes, of course, need only to be linked so that the story follows in an interesting, consistent manner.

The climactic scene to Homecoming has been...hrm...directed, for lack of a better word, in my head already. It's the scene that, theoretically, should make everybody reading the story jump out of their seats and scream, "Oh my God! G, you bastard! I hate you!" I confess I take a certain sadistic delight in contemplating my audience's reaction to the story's ending, at least partially because as things currently stand...well...aheheheheh...

Actually, I lie like a dirty mangy dog begging food from an abusive, alcoholic master, who in this case is probably my muse. (Oh god! I'm sorry! I'll write more often and more consistently! Please don't make me write crappy yaoi romance!) I'm quite torn about Homecoming's ending, as I actually have two of them envisioned. One is actually sort of an addendum to the other.

One is much more appropriate to the nature of Homecoming as a horror story, and a semi-Lovecraftian one at that. The other, however, fulfills my own vision of the world, and of relationships, in a much more satisfying way. They both have their merits, and they both have their flaws. I find myself unable to choose between them, because they appeal to two equally strong, and vastly different, aspects of my personality.

Perhaps, in the course of writing part 3, the most appropriate ending will come to me.

Oh, and yeah...I occasionally use my lunch breaks at work to write. Wanna make something of it? Huh? Want a little taste of the Chinese ninja skills? A little bit of thunder and lightning to brighten up your day? Yeah, I didn't think so. Move along, move along.

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