Friday, August 22, 2008

On review

So this would be my second post of the evening (technically morning), and I've just spent a little bit of time consolidating my blog posts from the past several years. Was this necessary? Arguably not, but frankly I'd forgotten that I'd written half of these posts, forgotten where I'd written them when I finally remembered that I'd written them, and then I'd forgotten the password for the damn blogging site where I'd written them once I remembered where they were written.

So there, after a really minor effort, I'm finally and fully consolidated. I choose you, Blogger! You will be my online journal of choice from now on, and I will simply include a link to you, beautiful you, wherever I may feel a need to post my blog in the future. We will sing happy songs and weave sad tales together, and I will hold you and love you and never let you go. Wait, where are you going, Blogger? Don't go! I love you! I love you forever! You were going to meet my parents! I have baby clothes picked out and everything! Oh God, why? WHY?!

Oooooookay. Now that's starting to creep out even me.

On a semi-random note, I was reading over what I'd written about Chris (Ah Chris. Dear sweet, funny, straightforward Chris.) back in May, and I actually find it rather funny now. In much the same way that I find the fact that I wet the bed when I was a toddler funny. Obviously, things didn't work out with Chris, and while I would like to say that I'm considerably wiser now and would do things vastly differently, I would also find such a statement highly, highly dubious.

So taking a leaf from Chris's book, actually, I'm going to stop posting about my romantic endeavors for a while. Maybe once I'm fully, solidly, steadily in a relationship, I'll toss in a mention here and there. Until then, the gossip will have to come from somewhere else.

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