Wednesday, April 30, 2008

On utter irresponsibility

It's 8:17 in the morning, I've gotten roughly half an hour of sleep because I stayed up most of the night doing yet more of those bloody irresponsible things I'm so incredibly fond of doing (but not what you think), I'm currently so pepped up on caffeine (my first caramel macchiato in years, because I suspect I will be in dire, dire need of caffeine this entire day), and the foremost thing running through my mind right now is how someone can become such a cynic that they can sit in the elevator with you and not respond when you smile and wish them a good morning.

The second thing running through my mind is what a fracking idiot I am. Funny how we revisit these themes every time I blog, no? Except you get a double helping today. Woot for you. I should rename my blog, "Warning: Incoming Wangst!"

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