Friday, September 29, 2006

On the foolishness of men

Pride is a stupid thing, particularly when mixed in the right amounts with its diametrical opposite, uncertainty. When uncertainty tells you that you might not be doing the right thing, pride inevitably responds, "Of course I am!" Intelligent, reasonable behavior then goes out the window.

Ahhhh...screw it. I'm too irritated to be abstract and philosophical. I play an online game. I'm in a guild. One of my guild officers asked me last night to do something that, as far as I'm concerned, was ridiculous. I requested a confirmation of the instructions (mostly because I couldn't believe what I was hearing), and was told, effectively, to shut up and not question his orders, he knows what he's doing. And all I can really think is, "If you're asking me to do that, you obviously don't." We're still discussing the matter, privately and via e-mail, today. He's not budging and while I'm trying to remain diplomatic, my patience has thinned considerably.

I think living in New York is starting to make me rather abrasive. Speaking from history, I don't like giving my opinion if I think it will stir up waves. That is changing with alarming rapidity, and I'm acquiring a certain shocking bluntness.

Or maybe I'm just not the bottomless cup that I always thought I was.

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