Wednesday, April 19, 2006

On the necessity of being with people

Why is it that I always end up wanting to talk to someone only after I've decided I want to be alone? Why is it that it always seems to happen in the evenings, generally after 10pm, and when I'm sitting in front of the computer? It never fails to depress me. Or maybe I never fail to depress me. And that's awfully depressing.

Were I still in Blacksburg, I think I would stroll over to Alexi's room, spelunk and wind my way through the mountains of garbage he has strewn all over his floor, and hover over his chair while he rants over what idiocy Riceboy X is spewing in the 3000GT forums. I'll only understand about half of what he says, but his endless supply of trash talk never fails to cheer me up. Then we'd proceed to watch some utterly random but strangely hilarious video clips, undoubtedly involving vintage cartoon characters in perverted sexual escapades, and closing the evening in an oddly comforting way.

In spite of being a tried and true introvert, I'm starting to think I really do need to live with people I can relate with and talk to.

On a lighter note, anyone who didn't see Women of Lockerbie missed out on a truly tremendous show and wonderful performances from everyone involved. It was deeply moving, deeply affecting, and in no way shape or form influenced my current mood.

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